Saturday, August 4, 2012

What Is A Bitcoin Investment

bitcoin investmentWhen you hear of the word investment, what comes to your mind? Usually it is money or acquiring anything that has value. Investing your hard earned money is a wise decision especially if you have excessive amount of earnings that is too much for your daily needs and expenses. An investment can be in the form of money, or a piece of land, and the like. However, the best investment are the ones that will not be requiring your presence for every moment, investments that will give you earnings even if you are not around to control and manage it.

Why not try bitcoin for investment? Bitcoin is a decentralized online currency. Bitcoins amount can vary anytime. For example, you can buy a bitcoin for $1.2 and then you can check for a bitcoin chart to see its value. Sometimes the amount of a bitcoin can rocked up to $8.5 per coin. So it is pretty amazing to think that if you will buy 1000 bitcoins, you can have $8,000! That\'s why it is better for you to check for its current value before doing any bitcoin transaction.

More About Bitcoin
Bitcoin is not a filesharing software. In this case, you don\'t have to be worried for other people to see your files or information. Also, the value of bitcoin is depends on the scale of supply and demand. So, it also requires patience and awareness. You have to make sure of the currency exchange rates as well. You have to make sure that before processing a transaction with your bitcoins, the rate is fair enough or high for you to earn more. As well, one of the tricks on bitcoin investment is that it uses the concept of 'mining'. There are some ways that you can find to earn or generate bitcoins. So you better do some researching in order to generate more income.

In every investment there is a risk that you have to take. And it is not different on buying and mining for bitcoins. However, if you will be clever enough and if you will play your cards right, you will definitely earn a lot of money. One of the risks on bitcoin investment is that you may be charged for a transaction fee. Some may charge you for 7or more, that is why many people are still hesitant to try bitcoin for investment.

With the growing influence of internet, digital storage and financing has been one of the greatest benefits that it has given. So why not use it in your advantage. Onother good thing on bitcoin is that you can be assured that you\'re investment is always in safety and secured. As well, one of its advantages is that digital storage is getting cheaper and cheaper. Besides to the fact that processing is fast and will not take too much of your time. All you have to do is sit in front of your computer and monitor it from time to time. It will save your time and energy and you can still do other things and earn more

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I trade Forex as a business and travel the world, the Bitcoin is a relatively new phenomina come research it at

Bitcoins - Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoins are commonly misunderstood as being backed by noth­ing, and also therefore that Gold­ bullion (also dig­i­tal money, but backed by gold) should be supe­rior. Or that Bit­coin is yet another type of fiat cur­rency. This can be a problematic argu­ment should you switch it around and com­pare Bit­coins, to not Gold money, but to gold itself.

  The need for gold is basically a reflec­tion of the work that\'s con­sumed in min­ing and refin­ing it, together with its ideal suit­abil­ity as 'money'. A gold coin rep­re­sents a lot of land, highly refined, using the input of a lot of energy, labor and cap­i­tal. Sim­i­larly, Bit­coins are rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the com­put­ing energy, energy, and cap­i­tal needed to cre­ate them. A quick, expen­sive com­puter needs to run for a lot of days to cre­ate a Bit­coin. Much like most min­ing oper­a­tions, it\'s a very dif­fi­cult propo­si­tion to complete viably.

   The cre­ation of the Bit­coin is known as 'min­ing'*. There\'s a new indus­try of 'min­ing con­sul­tants', even though the Bit­coin anal­ogy has clearly not emerged yet. Bit­coin min­ing is dangerous, it\'s some­what ran­dom, and it is very com­pet­i­tive between any num­ber of peo­ple which are try­ing to mine it simultaneously. It\'s prob­a­bly never been a prof­itable ven­ture, unless of course you assume greater prices later on. So, actually, the current cost increases after you\'ve seen less because of 'greater fools' pur­su­ing an unbacked cur­rency, but a reflec­tion from the more com­pet­i­tive character of cre­at­ing Bit­coins, the cor­re­spond­ing increases in com­puter cycles needed to gen­er­ate them, and also the approx­i­mate costs of this com­put­ing energy as it increases. Nat­u­rally, the spec­u­la­tors are will experience an Increase, amongst the first hoard­ers cash­ing out, along with the small size of the mar­ket creates a for­mula for volatil­ity, no question.

Bit­coins are 'backed by noth­ing', well, noth­ing backs gold either. It\'s only a min­eral dug up from the ground without any inher­ent use apart from jew­elry. The truth that gold isn\'t some­one else\'s lia­bil­ity is its sup­posed strength, and you will say the same about Bit­coins. Gold\'s value rel­a­tive with other strong metals is also for indus­trial use. The truth that gold looks bet­ter than the usual Bit­coin, and may also be used as adorn­ment is definitely an advan­tage that\'s tough to argue but it is also correct that its value as jew­elry originates from its value like a rar­e coin and it\'s per­ceived value depends on its ideal inher­ent prop­er­ties as money. You could argue Bit­coins have the prop­er­ties when it comes to rar­ity, divis­i­bil­ity, con­ve­nience (OK, fundamental essentials imple­men­ta­tion particulars that should be exercised, but ought to be as time passes), and dura­bil­ity. When it involves trans­port­ing wealth, say in the US to Argentina, can you attempt to carry $800,000 in gold beyond the TSA, or $800,000 in Bit­coins? So, maybe, they\'re more portable than gold, cer­tainly taking care of of the con­ve­nience. Having a well-protected wal­let (encoded having a lengthy pass­word), you have not a worry of being robbed.

   As everyone knows, bad money dri­ves out possible income. Quite simply, Fed­eral Reserve Notes can be bad money, as it\'s get­ting increasingly more worth­less, and therefore so are the fundamental essentials of cur­rency (legal ten­der laws and regulations aside). The stuff that\'s appre­ci­at­ing in value, like gold and sil­ver is dri­ven into hid­ing and held for later return by traders. They aren\'t used as 'cur­rency', a minimum of today. However the real mea­sure of the Bit­coin to soci­ety won\'t be deter­mined today, but later on once the fiat cur­ren­cies have offered their pur­pose and human­ity is scram­bling to locate a replace­ment. Would Bit­coins have worked out within the cur­rency col­lapse in Argentina when local scrip was put in cir­cu­la­tion and rapidly forged? Would Bit­coins have assisted in Zim­babwe last decade when peo­ple were dig­ging within their back­yard for gold bullion to purchase bread to sur­vive?

  Today\'s Bit­coins may not have solved the prob­lems of those coun­tries com­pletely, but it\'s possible to envi­sion the next generation where even the most under developed places on earth possess a mobile phone to transport a Bit­coin wal­let, and each fam­ily includes a home com­puter to mine a couple fractions of the Bit­coin daily.

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About the Author

Currency Trader and avid fan of the Bitcoin.

Introduction To Bitcoins

Bitcoins are a digital currency created in 2001 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is based on open source software and P2P networks with no central authority or issuers. The coins are saved on your computer in a wallet file or in a third party wallet. They can be exchanged between anyone with a Bitcoins address. The database of transactions is spread across a peer to peer network. They also use digital signatures to ensure they are only spent once and by the person who owns them.

They are created by a process known as Bitcoin mining. There is where you use CPU power on your computer in order to generate them. This also generates the encryption keys which keep bit coins secure. By generating the encryption you are rewarded with Bitcoins for your effort.

While the transactions are public the transactions themselves are psudeononymous. Many people who are concerned about privacy like to use Bitcoins for this reason.

They are bought and sold through exchange sites. There they can be exchanged into traditional currencies like the Dollar or Euro or for virtual world currencies like the Linden dollar.

Bitcoins have no central control so they cannot be controlled by any government or authority. There are also no chargebacks.

There is a limit to how many can be created. There can be 21 million Bitcoins in total. This is to avoid the currency from becoming worthless from overproduction like fiat money. Diminishing geometric expansion combined with the expansion of Bitcoins provides an incentive for early adopters.

There are some scenarios of for failure that could happen to Bitcoins. These include a currency devaluation, a declining user base and a global government crackdown on the software and exchanges.

In order to get started to generate and trade Bitcoins you have to download and install what is called a Bitcoin client to your computer. This will give you the Bitcoin wallet and address. When people want to pay you give them your Bitcoin address and they send it to there.

If you want to make Bitcoins you are going to have to mine them. You do that by giving up your processing power to the Bitcoin network so it can encrypt transactions. You can create one block every ten minutes. Every block is 50 Bitcoins. You can use your computer to generate them when you are not using it or create mining rigs dedicated for that purpose.

Bitcoins are a true 21st century currency. If you want to see how currencies of the future will be like download the Bitcoin client and start mining and trading today.

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About the Author

Dave Grossman has been an blogger and writer on the internet for over a decade. He is working on a dating site at the moment.